Freeway 2: Confessions of a Trickbaby (1999)

Freeway 2 |

Sex, drugs, and…vomiting. That’s just a few of the things you can expect from Freeway 2: Confessions of a Trickbaby. And if you’re wondering what the hell a trickbaby is, you’re not alone. A quick Google search hasn’t really cleared it up for me. According to the Urban Dictionary, a trick baby (two words) is a “child born to a prostitute as a result of a turned trick.” 

Stupidly confusing title aside, Freeway 2 is actually pretty entertaining. It’s brutally offensive in numerous ways. I mentioned the sex, drugs, and vomiting. You’ll also enjoy bloody, serial killer murders, cannibalism, human trafficking of children for reasons I don’t care to explain, and racist dialogue. This statement, in my opinion, is overused by folks that want to be nostalgic about the films of years gone by, but I think this time it’s true–This movie could not be made today.

I watched Freeway 2 with my wife, Petal, and while we agreed it wasn’t that great, we also insisted that the other pause the movie when we got up to use the restroom or grab a drink. The “What the fuck?” moments keep you watching. Like when all the women prisoners go purge the contents of their stomachs together in the ladies room, their heads so deep in the toilets they could’ve been drinking the water. Or the scene where Cyclona (Maria Celedonio) has butchered an elderly couple and is masturbating between their corpses.

IMDB synopsis: A teenage prostitute escapes from a juvenile prison with a 16-year-old serial killer and both go on a destructive road trip to Mexico in this twist on the “Hansel and Gretel” fairy tale.

Watch Freeway II | Prime Video American Genre Film Archive FREEWAY II: CONFESSIONS OF A TRICKBABY

I’m not sure what Freeway 2 has in common with “Hansel and Gretel” aside from the cooking and eating of children. But there you go. It’s worth a watch for its fucked up nature, but not much else. The plot is somehow simplistic and hard to follow at the same time. The acting is shit. And the gore could have been much better considering how many people were killed and how they were going to such lengths to be abhorrent.

PC3’s Horror and Exploitation Movie Scale of Awesomeness

Gore – 5

Special Effects – 4

Nudity/Sexuality – 7

Wow Factor – 7

Acting – 4

Fear Factor – 1

Story/Plot/Originality – 5

Cinematography/Atmosphere – 5

Sound/Music – 3

Fun Factor – 7

The PHEMSA combined score for Freeway 2 is 48. It’s not a great movie, but it has its moments.

Check it out here: Amazon