Evil Bong (2006)

Image result for evil bong movie

I had never taken the time to watch Evil Bong because it looked like cheesy, ridiculous comedy horror, probably light on plot and heavy on stupidity. And…I wasn’t wrong in my assessment. However, I actually enjoyed it.

Basically, this group of stoners acquire a bong that, when smoked, transports the smoker to a strip club in some alternate reality where strippers have bras that kill people. Also, the bong talks. And it wants to take over the world. Not joking. It’s pretty damn silly.

Evil Bong is not at all scary, but it is quite funny in places. The dialogue between the stoners and the crippled grandpa is hilarious. As is the scene where one chick gets high and starts jumping around and humping her boyfriend’s leg. The scenes in the strip club are bizarre and leave you scratching your head, but at least you’re provided with some attractive topless ladies.

Image result for evil bong movie Image result for evil bong movie Image result for evil bong movie

It’s not a complete waste of time. You even get a little Tommy Chong, and weirdly pointless scene with Bill Moseley. And there has probably never been a movie with the word ‘bro’ used more often.

You can watch Evil Bong for free on Tubi.