Have you heard of this one?
That’s a joke. Of course you have. I’m a little late getting around to it.
Originally, I held off watching it because I wanted to read the book first. However, I never got around to reading it (shame on me). I started watching it at some point in 2019, when it was still crazy popular, and switched it off about fifteen minutes in. I flicked it off because I found it dumb that Sandra Bullock, who is closer to sixty than fifty, was playing a pregnant woman. Before you go attacking me, yes, I realize some women still have children late in life. And, yes, I realize she was playing a younger woman. But the Hollywood makeover miracles failed to make her look like a young woman, which, even though I hadn’t read the book, I knew she was supposed to be. I know, I know, I’m being super picky. Or I was.
I finally watched it.
And I loved it!
There really is no need for me to explain the plot, I guess, because most of the world has already seen Bird Box. If you open your eyes outside, you’re fucked. That’s good enough. It’s suspenseful as hell, with great cinematography, and excellent acting. Bullock as Malorie was particularly good. I didn’t like her at first–I imagine most people didn’t–but she had my heart by the end. John Malkovich was great, as always. And Trevanta Rhodes, who I hadn’t really heard of, was superb as Tom. Even the kids were good.
Boy and Girl though? Come on. She should have given them names at some point in their first few years.
I know a sequel has been written. Are they making it into a movie? If so, I could not find it on IMDB. I loved the ending of Bird Box and would prefer to not have a sequel ruin it. But no one listens to me.
PC3’s Horror and Exploitation Movie Scale of Awesomeness
Gore – 5
Special Effects – 6
Nudity/Sexuality – 0
Wow Factor – 6
Acting – 9
Fear Factor – 6
Story/Plot/Originality – 8
Cinematography/Atmosphere – 7
Sound/Music – 6
Fun Factor – 6
Bird Box scored 59 on the PHEMSA. That is one of the highest ranked movies I’ve watched. I wouldn’t say that puts it on my list of personal favorite horror films, but it’s a damn good film. You can find it on Netflix.