Originally titled Maniac, the movie was retitled Sex Maniac to draw in the sleazy crowd on the exploitation circuit. This marketing genius is still working, seeing as I clicked it for that reason. Read more “Maniac aka “Sex Maniac” (1934)”
Author: PC3
1BR (2019)
Attention, children, utopias never-ever work! I must admit, I’m somewhat surprised when the socialism-loving yuppies of Hollywood put out their occasional utopian visions gone awry Read more “1BR (2019)”
Ghoultown–Mistress of the Dark
Great southern rock plus Elvira? Yes, please!
I Was a Teenage Werewolf (1957)
With a name like I Was a Teenage Werewolf, one expects a comical high school flick with only an occassional hint of creepiness. But it’s a geuniune horror movie. Read more “I Was a Teenage Werewolf (1957)”
The Corpse Grinders (1971)
Let it be known that in the world of competetive commerce, when trying to make headway in the feline food industry, one potential way of metigating expenses is to…grind up people and can them as your products. Read more “The Corpse Grinders (1971)”
I Am Not a Freak (1987)
Holy hell…
This documentary depicts some pretty incredible people. It’s sad, interesting, and heart-warming in equal measure. The morbidly obese lady though….I mean, half of Houston looks like that now.
Brad Meltzer’s Decoded: Proof of UFOs Revealed
I like seeing a high-profile show bringing attention to the mystery of UFOs and aliens, but…you can tell so much of it was scripted. Meltzer’s three minions take a trip to Area 51, then get chased off by mystery men in dark vehicles. The problem? The damn cameraman captured all this on tape from his stationary position on the side of the road! Am I supposed to believe the Area 51 officials just didn’t see the dude filming everything???
Avenged Sevenfold–A Little Piece of Heaven
Easily one of my favorite music videos ever.
Coherence (2013)
This sci-fi thriller is like a modern day extended episode of the Twilight Zone. It’s intense, bizarre, and utterly captivating, and manages to do it all without any special effects. Read more “Coherence (2013)”
Cerberus on Deadman’s Tome!
Cerberus (PC3, M Ennenbach, and Chris Miller) was on the Deadman’s Tome podcast! It got pretty wild…