Man, this one holds up really well. Spiders never stop being scary, am I right? After watching Arachnophobia, you can’t help but feel spiders crawling along the back of your neck, or see them creeping through the shadowy corner of your living room or beneath the sheets of your bed; you can’t help but imagine them everywhere. Read more “Arachnophobia (1990)”
Month: January 2021
Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020)
What could be more terrifying for a group of teenagers this day and age than having their cellphones and tablets taken away for the weekend? Well…probably nothing. But having a couple of monstrous, murderous villains chasing chasing them through the woods has to be a close second. Read more “Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight (2020)”
Camille Saint-Saëns – Danse Macabre
Oldie but goodie.
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988)
1988? Is it really that damn old? I didn’t see it in theaters, but I must have been eleven or twelve when I first saw it on TV. No way in hell was I going to ask my folks to rent it for me from the video store; even though it was PG-13, they would have raised an eyebrow when I handed them that video tape. I mean, there was–and still is–only one good reason to watch Elvira: Mistress of the Dark–Elvira’s voluptuous top half. Read more “Elvira: Mistress of the Dark (1988)”
Eaten Alive! (1980)
Not to be confused with the 1976 crocodile film of the same name, 1980’s Eaten Alive! is an Italian exploitation film featuring gore, cannibalism, nudity, and a religious cult. It’s most often compared to the classic cannibal flick Cannibal Holocaust. Eaten Alive! is far better than Cannibal Holocaust. Read more “Eaten Alive! (1980)”
Visceral: Collected Flesh is on Audible!
My collaborative collection with horror legend Christine Morgan is now on Audible! C.J. Grey (I just noticed his name is misspelled on the cover, damn it) has a voice meant for audiobooks. Couldn’t be more pleased! Check it out here!
For Love and Fish
–This was my first published short story. It won first place in a fiction contest at Paris Junior College, for whatever that’s worth, and was subsequently published in Swingers of Birches, a university literary journal of sorts. The story was heavily inspired by my grandad, who I grew up fishing with on the banks of Lake Tawakoni. He’s 91 now and his fishing days are pretty much behind him, but he’ll always be a fisherman to me. It’s not horror, and my writing has improved a great deal since this was penned, but I’ve probably never written anything that felt more true.– Read more “For Love and Fish”
Cerberus Rising is on Audible!
Check out Cerberus Rising on Audible, read by the talented Daniel Caravetta! This is some of the best storytelling myself, Ennenbach, and Miller have produced. Check it out here!