The Open House (2018)

The Open House | Netflix Official Site

Warning, I’m gonna drop some spoilers, though there isn’t much to spoil.

You understand pretty early on that The Open House is one of those slow-burn thrillers–where there’s a creak here and bump there and all the occasional odd occurrences. Unfortunately, there is no bang at the end of that burning fuse. Read more “The Open House (2018)”

13 Sins

13 Sins Red Band Trailer (2014)

Wow, this was a fun ride.

I’m actually shocked I’d never heard of 13 Sins before coming across it on Netflix. A short, powerful synopsis always pulls me in with books, and it’s no different with movies. The plot descriptions given on IMDB and Amazon are your generic run through, but on Netflix it says: “For $1000, this likable loser will hurt a fly. What will he do for a million? One task down, 12 more to go…” Read more “13 Sins”

Coming Soon!

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I could not be happier about this book, alongside one of the best literary gore-artists in the business–Christine Morgan. This is some bloody nasty body horror! Stay tuned for the release!

Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS

Ilsa, She Wolf Of The S.S. (1975) - Color / 96 mins | B movie ...

Why this isn’t widely considered one of the greatest World War II films ever produced, alongside Saving Private RyanSchindler’s List, The Pianist, and Das Boot, I’ll never know. I mean, in terms of historical war cinema, this really is as good as it gets. Okay, okay, I’m joking. If you’re a WW2 buff like me, don’t expect to satiate your craving for a good movie on the war by watching this. Although, it is better than Dunkirk and that new version of Midway. Read more “Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS”